一 、《Boy Overboard》这本书讲了什么?
Boy Overboard
原文:Jamal loves playing football , which isn't easy if your goalie only has one leg and you keep having to dodge landmines to get your ball back. Jamal's stubborn little sister Bibi is even better at football than Jamal. But girls playing football is against the law in Afganistan. When it is discovered that Jamal's mother has been secretly running a school , the family must leave their home immediately and begin a long and dangerous journey to Australia. The children survive separation from their parents , hunger , and violent smugglers only to find that Australia isn't as welcoming as they had thought but , even though they face an uncertain future , Jamal , Bibi and their parents know that as long as they are together , that is all that matters.
翻译:贾马尔爱踢足球 ,这并不容易 ,如果你的守门员只有一条腿 ,你不得不避开地雷拿回你的球 。贾马尔的顽固的小妹妹比比甚至比贾马尔擅长足球 。但是在阿富汗女孩踢足球是违法的 。当它发现贾马尔的母亲一直偷偷跑学校 ,家庭必须立即离开他们的家 ,并开始漫长而危险的澳大利亚之旅 。孩子们生存分离从父母 、饥饿和暴力走私者却发现澳大利亚并不像他们认为的那样受欢迎 ,但即使他们面临一个不确定的未来 ,贾马尔 ,Bibi和他们的父母知道 ,只要他们在一起 ,这是最重要的 。
二 、Soulja Boy Tell'Em的《Sidekick》 歌词
歌手:Soulja Boy Tell'Em
Man Overboard - Sidekick
Open your eyes kid
You know I'm on your side kid.
I'd like to save the world
and you could be my Sidekick.
They'll all say our names.
As the words down on the paper answer yesterday's dreams.
I've lived a lie kid
I'd love to run and hide kid.
You could say fuck them all
and ditch the world like I did.
We could be untouchable.
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