英语作文mobine phone in the class(mobii英语是什么意思)

英语作文mobine phone in the class(mobii英语是什么意思)内容来自百度知道 ,未防止网站被判断未恶意推广网站 ,本文链接屏蔽 。需要文中的下载链接 ,可以到百度知道搜索 。


  1. 英语作文mobine phone in the class
  2. mobii英语是什么意思
  3. 一分钟经理人mobi用英语怎么说
  4. 每周《纽约客》 The New Yorker 更新 ,PDF格式 、epub格式 、mobi格式

一 、英语作文mobine phone in the class

The Use of Mobile Phone in Class

Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology. If we look at our college , we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones. Maybe they have many advantages , but they also experience drawbacks. There are three bad aspects: distract , radiation and lazy.

First if we use mobile phones in class we can’t devote ourselves to listening from the teacher. When the teacher asked us to talk in groups , some students may contact with their friends by QQ instead of their classmates. A small number of students play games or surf the internet by mobile phones. Other students may say what if we miss an important phone call? In our study age we can solve it after class very well. Mobile phones maybe have some magic. When I abandoned myself to mobile phone I missed what the teacher said. The ringing sound of a bell is noisy and could interrupt the teacher. So we let phones power off is a good choice.

Second mobile phone radiation can be harmful to humans; the most obvious harmful effect is heating. The radiations of mobile phones are bad for our head. WHO(World Health Organization)defines mobile phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans.

Third we may take the advantages of mobile phones such as looking up new words. But it can make us lazy. We can use dictionaries.

In conclusion , there are many shortcomings to use mobile phones in class. Personally , I don’t think using mobile phones in class is a good way. In my opinion , mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and timing , as in this case , all technology is beneficial. So let us put down the mobile phones , listen to the teacher heart and soul!

二 、mobii英语是什么意思




adj. 可移动的; 行动自如的; 易变的; 流动性的;

n. 手机; 风铃;

[例句]I'm still very mobile.

我仍然行动自如 。

[其他] 复数:mobiles

三 、一分钟经理人mobi用英语怎么说



One minute manager mobi.


英语作文mobine phone in the class(mobii英语是什么意思)


One minute manager mobi

四 、每周《纽约客》 The New Yorker 更新 ,PDF格式 、epub格式 、mobi格式

被誉为美国文化生活代表的《纽约客》(The New Yorker) ,自1925年创刊以来 ,以其丰富的内容吸引着全球读者 。每周一次的出版频率 ,包括47次常规发行以及偶尔的跨期刊载 ,使其不仅聚焦于纽约的文化动态 ,还凭借卓越的作者阵容和严谨的编辑标准 ,赢得了广泛的国际关注 。杂志以其插图 、特色封面和对流行文化的深度剖析而闻名 ,尤其通过严格的短篇小说和文学评论 ,对现代文学保持密切关注 。其独特的“城中话题”栏目 ,以幽默风趣的笔触描绘纽约的日常生活 ,而政治和社会话题的单格漫画则以其犀利的视角令人印象深刻 。

对于寻求更轻松阅读体验的小司机来说 ,虽然他尝试了《纽约客》以寻求不同于《经济学人》的新鲜视角 ,但他未能找到该杂志的PDF 、mobi或epub格式的最新更新 。这些格式的电子资源 ,如TheNewYorker-20240729.pdf , epub , 和 mobi 版本 ,尽管可以在微信公众号【寻路小司机】中找到 ,但链接及其访问密码为:url48.ctfile.com/f/5062... (密码:514467) 。此外 ,作者还创建了一个网站 ,部分文章会同步更新 ,为英语爱好者提供了另一个连接英语世界的平台 ,即 EngAPI=English API 。

到此 ,以上就是小编对于英语短mobi的问题就介绍到这了 ,希望介绍关于英语短mobi的4点解答对大家有用 。



