一 、外研社的书虫怎样?
好 。
1 、针对性强:此书专为英语非母语学习者打造 ,入门级到六级共七个级别 ,适合小学高年级到大学低年级学生阅读 。
2 、内容有质量:内容为经典文学名著简写本及现代原创故事 ,词汇 、语法高频复现并逐级进阶 ,帮孩子从250个核心词开始 ,读懂文学名著简写本 ,直至达到读懂原版小说的水平 。
二 、书虫全套一共有多少本
书虫全套一共有149本 。
1 、入门级:300词汇量 ,适合小学高年级(五年级 ,六年级) 、初一 ,分上 、中 、下三册 ,共27本 。
2 、一级:300生词量 ,适合初一 、初二学生 ,分上 、中 、下三册 ,共33本 。
3 、二级:600生词量 ,适合初二 、初三学生 ,分上 、中 、下三册 ,共34本 。
4 、三级:1000生词量 ,适合初三 、高一学生 ,分上 、下两册 ,共21本 。
5 、四级:1500生词量 ,适合高一 、高二学生 ,分上 、下两册 ,共18本 。
6 、五级:2000生词量 ,适合高二 、高三学生 ,共8本 。
7 、六级:2300生词量 ,适合高三 、大学低年级学生 ,共8本 。
“书虫”是外语教学与研究出版社和牛津大学出版社共同出版的双语读物 。
“书虫”系列丛书主要用于英语阅读的启蒙和提高 。中英双语对照阅读 ,提高阅读量 ,扩增单词量 。
外研社“书虫”系列自1997年出版以来 ,一直畅销不衰 ,深受读者喜爱 。外语教学与研究出版社于2010年至2012年先后推出42册书虫美绘光盘版 。
美绘光盘版套书具有以下特点: “绘”声“绘”色的体验 。纯彩色印刷 ,配有英美专业朗读者朗读的CD光盘 。 42本经典著作以及原创故事 ,诸多著作是第一次收录 。 分为5个级别 ,从入门级到第四级 ,本套书每本里面均含有阅读准备 、故事改编 、优美译文 、拓展训练 、语法充电等内容 。
三 、牛津书虫系列
《书虫》是一本外研社与牛津大学出版社共同出版的双语读物 。书虫 ,是牛津大学出版社奉献给世界英语学习者的一大精品 。书虫在英语中大约是颇可爱的形象 ,试想想如痴如醉沉迷于书卷 ,孜孜不倦咀嚼着字母的那么一只书虫 。
There was once a boy called Aladdin. His father has died , leaving only he and his mother together , a hard life.
One day he met a Master. Master said that this is his uncle , took him to Beijing to learn little skill. Aladdin believed what he said , told him away.
Master with Aladdin to a mountain near the capital , on the ground have a lot of fire , Nianlejigou spell. Only heard "rumbling" in a while ringing a Shihmen ground there.
Master seize on the Shihmen clip , the Shihmen started , and said: "Aladdin , which Below is a lamp , you take it to the line , we had to get rich."
Below is a Shimen Road. This Road only so wide Aladdin's body inside a black. Aladdin fear , dare not go. Master-hands to remove the rings , said: "This is to evil spirits rings. To you. You wear it , what Jiaomoguiguai can hurt you. Assure you go!"
Aladdin Road end , to a cellar. Apart from the cellar of a point in the lamp , there are many beautiful jewellery , see his two Fabao. Have a good while , he was arrested a few jewellery into the pockets of children , Chuixi lamp , throw out the overheads , picked up the lamp go back.
Master , and so impatient , in the hole yelling: "You die in the following! Kuaiba line with the lamp! You do?"
Aladdin listen to the tone Henxiong Master , a bit scared. He has to Leng , did not immediately answered. Master angry "bang" and一声to slam the door on the stone.
Aladdin real drive Shihmen very anxious Zhijian. Inadvertently , rubbing his hands to the ring , eyes suddenly there was a giant. Giants , said: "I ring God , who do you wear rings , I advice , just who command. You want me to do?"
Aladdin for centering , and said: "Please take me home!" Finished on their own to find a home.
After a few days , Aladdin lamp want to wipe clean. Unexpectedly , he just rub the three , all of a sudden there appeared a giant. Giants , said: "I Dingshen. Who is with me , and I work advice , just who command."
Aladdin eat shocked initially , later said: "You give me banquet table to do!" If not finished , the present there have been table banquet.
After Aladdin with his mother , and my heart very happy. After the day , what they need , rubbing the lamp , the Dingshen do. So after some days. Aladdin heard King give the princess to find a husband , he told Dingshen changed to a castle , and has disguised itself as Prince , as in the mother brought with him from the cellar of jewellery , dedicated to the King , to the King Qiuqing.
King see Aladdin long handsome , rich , they Princess Margaret married him.
Master aware of this matter , as selling fancy lamp , Aladdin every day in the vicinity of the castle called: "the old oil lamp that replacement!"
Princess heard reminded of the Aladdin when the precious collection of the same old lamp , told servant taken , for a new one lamp.
TDP received a Master immediately wiping the three , a change Dingshen , told Dingshen said: "I am the whole castle to move to Africa!"
Dingshen moved to the castle.
King found Aladdin's Castle and Princess Margaret have gone , very angry. He limited Aladdin in Sanshi days within the princess back , or to the death penalty.
Aladdin asked all times , who did not know his wife and Where to a castle. To the third morning , when he wash their hands to rub rings , rings God has emerged. He rings God helped him to the princess back. But God did not ring so much supernatural power , only to him to Africa.
Aladdin to Africa to find his wife and castles , but unable to get that beacon lamp. Where as to whether Master regarded the lamp with you all the time. His wife , I think of an idea , and said: "I want the bad guys to marry him , I had never promised him. Pleasant sleeping pills to you picked me. Him , and then I pretend that good , he can dance to. Etc. Paying no attention to the time he had a drug on the wine , he drank it cheating. so that we can get a lamp. "
Master did not know of , see Princess him so good , happy to drink the wine cup , fell asleep on the floor.
Thus , Aladdin obtained the lamp , the Dingshen the whole castle back to the original place.
King see Princess back , and my heart very happy. He forgave Aladdin , but worse yet the mind locked up in a Dungeon Master. Then Aladdin again to the mother , lived happily together fortunate day.
到此 ,以上就是小编对于书虫mobi外研社的问题就介绍到这了 ,希望介绍关于书虫mobi外研社的3点解答对大家有用 。